Credits/Thank Yous

Here you'll find credits,thank yous and disclaimers.



1.Readers Digest Explores Whales Dolphins AND Propoises by Reader's Digest

2.Whales,Dolphins and Porpoises of the Eastern North Pacific and Adjacent Artic Waters: A Guide to their Identification by Stephen Leatherwood,Randall R. Reeves,William F. Perrin an William E. Evans

3.The Nature Company Guides:Whales,Dolphins and Porpoises by Mark Carwarding,Erich Hoyt,R.Ewan Fordyce and Peter Gill

4.The National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Fishes,Whales and Dolphins.


2,3 & 4 (see above for information)

Thank Yous:

I would personally like to thank Geocities for being the first home of this site,Topcities for being it's second home and Tripod for being it's new and hopefully last home.

I would also like to think the following my family for always believing and telling me to follow my dreams especially to my mom for instilling in me the love of the ocean and marine life. To Jacques Cousteau and Jean-Michel Cousteau for being my heros and to Sea World/Busch Gardens for taking my love of the ocean and marine life further and also for their mission of education.